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This is a picture of Henry Alfred Pullum (for some reason known as Roger), my great-grandfather, fishing at Tottenham Lock, with my paternal grandmother, Edith Louise and her sister Mary Ann.
It is his surname that I have chosen to study. What this is, how this came about and how it is progressing can be found in general here and in some more detail here.
There are several aspects to the study, not just family trees, but statistics on births, marriages, deaths and censuses, articles about the name and people of interest,
The branches of the main UK Family Tree are complete on the tree pages as pictures and there is also a page on UK and Ireland outliers, often people where only one record for them has been found.
The Main UK is also available as a detailed searchable tree and includes 1,675 individuals. There are also 4 other trees: One for UK “outliers/singletons”; a main USA tree; a tree for USA “outliers/singletons” and a tiny tree for the rest of the world.
Data for outside of the UK is being added alongside this work.
Australia and New Zealand: I have recently reviewed. As all the Pullums that I have found in this area emigrated from the UK, their trees are the same as the UK trees.
Europe: On the Rest of the World tree, there are 32 people on the Germany branch, 2 on the French branch and, a family of 3 in Norway.
Rest of the World!: There is another famiy of 3 in Latvia and on the Mexico branch there are 12 people.
USA: There are a lot of Pullums in the USA and I have started building trees from the 1900 census, which has 675 Pullums on it. The Main USA Tree now has 541 people on it.
If you have any comments, would like to ask about any aspect of the trees or have additional information, please feel free to contact me.
Last Updated
This Page: 20.01.2024
Elsewhere on this site:
Updated 18.01.25: Lost Lines (name changes)
Updated 19.01.25: UK & Ireland Outliers Tree
Updated 18.01.25: UK Births post 1837 and Banner Pullums
Updated: 19.01.25 UK Deaths Databases
New 18.07.2024 – Guild Blog Challenge 2024
New 19.12.2024. Celebrations in December – A Christmas Wedding